Can we keep our teeth till the grand old age?
Patients who have lost their teeth or whose teeth are in a bad condition usually blame dentists for that. From a dentist’s point of view it should be objectively said that it is difficult to lose a tooth if you come for appointments regularly every six months to control your teeth in a dentist’s surgery, treat little cavities at once and use teeth clearing from dental calculus and plague systematically. Everyday hygiene, such as brushing your teeth twice a day, using dental floss and mouth wash, is extremely important.
Like with other diseases, prevention, early diagnosis and treatment are the main factors that allow us to defeat oral cavity diseases and other co-existing diseases.
It was not so long ago when prevention was associated mainly with fluorine, whilst 21ST DENTISTRY PREVENTION is a whole arsenal of methods and means, which allows our patients keep their teeth till the grand old age.
- ORTHOPANTOMOGRAM - should be done etery 4-5 years. It allows to diagnose all teeth, roots succedaneous teeth bud state, inflammation of bones and periapical issues, early stadium of periodontosis, existing fillings state and contact areas decay.
- TEETH STATE TREATMENT - it is done every six months by using oral cameras that provide a tooth picture magnified 600 times. It allows to find the smallest decay outbreaks that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
- DIAGNOSTIC TESTS - both decay and periodontosis are bacteria infectious diseases. Tests allow us to confirm the presence of the bacteria in the oral cavity and vulnerability depending on the amount, quality and composition of saliva and its ability to neutralize acids that appear in the oral cavity after meals.
- OZONE THETAPY - oral cavity, tongues and interdental spaces desinfection. When done regularly every 4-6 months along with professional dental calculus and plague removing it allows to minimize new decay cavity rising which immunosuppresses periodontosis progression. This therapy is recommended to parents because bacteria are transferred through saliva.
- ENAMEL REMINALISATION PREPARATIONS - it is not only fluorine (due to many controversies concerning using it) but recaldental calcium- and phosphorus –containing compounds. When used regularly, especially in the period of teeth growth, they strengthen the enamel and decrease its vulnerability to decay. It is applied as varnishing at surgery and supporting treatment with flavoured toothpaste used everyday – recadental ions reminalise your teeth when you are asleep.
- ENAMEL INFILTRATION - a therapy of the early enamel decay which allows to stiffen the demineralised issue without using a dental bur to stop the decay process in the enamel.
- BIOACTIVE MATERIALS - they are used to treat advanced decay and decay of difficult to reach spaces as interdental spaces. Due to their abilities they prevent the filling unseal, they prolong their stability and they strengthen the chemical structure of an enamel.
- PERFECT MOUTH FRESHNESS - that are good habits of everyday dental hygiene. It is an absolute condition of prevention success. Our teeth are one of the most burdened issues in our organisms by working under the press of 100 kg per square centimeter with the presence of a countless amount of bacteria and fungi. It has been scientifically proven that gum diseases and lack of dental hygiene increase the develop of systemic diseases, especially circulatory, kidney and joints diseases.
Unfortunately, the importance of everyday teeth care is still underestimated by patients. Very low percentage, in proportion to western countries, of our society use dental flosses and irrigators. It is no use when we brush our teeth leaving food corrupting under bacteria in the interdenal spaces and the acid produced in that process melt teeth issues and develop decay causing gum disease and melting fresh fillings.
In many dental surgeries you are able to test rotary and sonic electric toothbrushes and irrigators. Due to them everyday dental hygiene will become not only easy and pleasant, but also, what is more important, very effective.
I recommend you to have a new real habit of the feeling of clearance and freshness of an oral cavity. Since a good oral cavity state is more than a beautiful smile – it is a healthy organism.